All texts, images, graphics, animations, videos, and other content of this website are protected by copyright and all rights belong exclusively to LIPNO REAL s.r.o. Without the written consent of the company, any content of this website may not be copied or used for commercial purposes, e.g. by copying, distributing, modifying, or publishing to third parties.
All published information contained on this website is for informational purposes only and does not constitute an offer within the meaning of Section 1731 or Section 1732 of the Civil Code, nor does it constitute a public promise pursuant to Section 1733 of the Civil Code. This offer does not entitle anyone to conclude a contract. Lipno Real s.r.o. mediates the data (information) acquired in good faith from the owner of the immovable property and therefore is not responsible for its completeness, correctness, and accuracy. At the same time, it is not authorized to conclude on behalf of the owner of the immovable property any contracts related to the sale of the property.