Our team

Dr. Lukas Dorn-Fussenegger

Lorenz Dorn-Fussenegger MA BA BA

Ing. Marek Ertl
Sales and development manager

Carmen Beuer
Payment & Billings

Miroslav Kutlák
Rental manager

Ondřej Severin
Sales specialist

Ing. Robert Kunft
Head of construction

Libor Dušek
Facility manager

Ing. Petra Bláhová
Property manager
About us
Lipno Real was founded with the support of the Gruppe Dorn-Fussenegger group for the purpose of selling real estate in Lipno, specializing in real estate located in the immediate vicinity of the lake. We pride ourselves on a wide portfolio of clients from all over Europe and a committed team.
Lipno Real s.r.o.
C 12437 vedená u Krajského soudu v Českých Budějovicích
Sidlo: Přístav 71, 382 78 Lipno nad Vltavou
IČO 26077191